Hello again. I know I didn’t wrote here for a long time, but you know – too much work to do. First I have been hired for 1 month project in October and I have to manage it with my university duties (especially my diploma thesis about biometrics). In November I heavily developed as much as I can to complete all my goals for thesis. This mean almost complete rewrite of pam_bioapi – main reason is using libbirdb (partially changed, so it is not backward compatible now – sorry) from pam_bsdbioapi. Instead of messages file (pam_bsdbioapi using) now I’m using gettext for BSP customization of messages, types of records, error codes reporting etc. Gettext is normally used for translation to other languages. Right now gettext files are not added to Makefiles, so you have to install them by hand if you need them.

And now you can manage very comfortably your fingerprint by passwd (or test_enroll-bioapi). Just try that and you’ll see. And after that I write gui over pam module operation for managing fingerprints. Yesterday I made 4 usability test in our usability laboratory at university with very interesting results. Please give me few days and I give you that sources for testing too. Right now just quick screenshot:

Biometrics manager.


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