my next ebook reader

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I am a huge fan of electronic books. I do not understand to arguments that people use against it. I used to read lot on my first PDA, wonderful b&w Palm. Today I have a Bookeen Cybook Gen3 which I love. Only reason for me to read paper books is that (what a same) there is no way how to buy legally book in Czech. Interesting discussion why it is like that (in Czech).

Today I found out that there is a firmware upgrade for my reader which supports either Mobipocket DRM or ePub Adobe DRM. I also found an interview with Bookeen co-founder where he reveals that they prepare ebook reader with touchscreen and wifi for only $250! I think that this is the next gadget I have to own. I uses different display technology – SiPix, so it might be possible to implement „iPhone“ like momentum scroll function.

I would implement it myself (device is based on embedded Linux) but unfortunately manufacturer doesn’t support any customization. No howto, no SDK, not even a word that it would be possible. OK, they let you download firmware GPL code but not even a README file 🙁 It’s a pity. I think they would leverage from community, if they let other developers to improve their firmware.

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